You are here: Account Setup > User Locked Out

User Locked Out

Your account may become locked out if one of the following occurs:

  • You have not logged into the portal for some time, during which your password expired
  • You entered an incorrect password in excess of a number of attempts defined by your healthcare provider
  • Your healthcare provider has locked your account as a precaution, possibly after detecting an un-authorized attempt to access your account

In the case of password expiration, you have the opportunity to reset the password yourself. A dialog box will appear where you may answer security questions, and create a new password.

In the other two cases, you will need assistance from your healthcare provider to reset the password. This may be done by clicking the Forgot Password? link on the Member Sign In section of the portal login page.

Once your healthcare provider grants access, you will receive a confirmation email, with a security code that you enter on your next login.

Navigate back to the portal login page and sign in with your user name and password.

For more information, make sure to check out the 'Account Setup' video.

*Content currently being reviewed in our pilot phase